Episode 20

A strategy process is the perfect vehicle to shape culture

Many leaders struggle with strategy. Understanding the key steps in strategy implementation is critical to being a successful and effective leader within your company.


Sannah Vinding



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Alex Brueckmann

Alex Brueckmann

Business strategist, Board advisor, and author.  He coaches executives on designing and implementing business strategies with measurable impact.

He has expertise in strategy development, leadership development, and entrepreneurship. His passion lies in helping clients built profitable businesses rooted in purpose.

If you want to design and implement strategy, you need what we call strategic acumen, the ability to think and act strategically.

Contact Alex via Linkedin or download his free step-by-step guide for entrepreneurs and (small) business owners to design a winning, intentional strategy.

Alex Brueckmann talks about why it is important to understand the need for change and being able to manage change and how this is an important ingredient in any strategy process. He also talks about that there is no better way to shape a company’s culture than through a rigorous strategy process.

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