Episode 21

When implementing a change, you’re asking people to go into the unknown with you.

by | Sep 28, 2021 | Leadership

Change is inevitable in the workplace, but it doesn’t have to be disruptive or chaotic. In fact, there are many ways to implement organizational changes that will lead to success for your organization. The first step towards implementing any kind of organizational change is preparing your organization and yourself for it.


Sannah Vinding



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Flip Brown

Flip Brown

Flip Brown

Flip Brown, Founder & CEO at Business Culture Consultant.

Flip Brown has served as a catalyst for individual and organizational change for over twenty years. He works with his clients to help them see, change, and sustain their patterns of communication, interaction, and engagement.

Transformational change is when you have an epiphany such that you realize that you really from this moment on, things must be different now.

Contact Flip via Linkedin or reach out to him via his website.

Flip Brown talks about what is needed to succeed with an organizational change and how important is to access the employee’s level of optimism about the future of the company because if people are optimistic, then they will put energy into the change efforts. But if they’re pessimistic, it’s going to be a wait-and-see attitude. He also talks about how important it is to have shared ownership of the process of continuous improvement to ensure success.

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